The editor of “Aravot” laments the “medieval inquisitions” in Armenian society towards things that it brands as “immoral”, calls a “deviation” or “Satanism” and “extreme lenience” towards social evils like corruption, fraud, tax evasion, lying, etc.: “Things should be the other way round. There should be complete freedom in people’s personal life for expression and a strict and unforgiving attitude in terms of abiding by the law.”
“Haykakan Zhamanak” reports that retired general Manvel Grigorian, who is facing a string of criminal charges, including illegal arms possession, embezzlement, extortion and tax evasion, has decided to transfer more than a hundred units of property to the deposit account of the court as “compensation to damage”. “Whether the court will release Grigorian on bail or not is unclear, but this step is certain to make the society think again about where the retired general got that amount of property from,” the daily writes.
“Zhamanak” comments on another petition by the lawyers of ex-President Robert Kocharian, seeking his release from detention pending trial. “At present, it seems that it is Kocharian who is protracting the trial under different pretexts. This shows that in reality he may not be interested in the trial going ahead at full pace or that he is not quite ready to remain in prison… But the heroic image with which Kocharian appears at court hearings implies a different behavior. After all, it would have given a more solid framework to his attempt to defend himself on the premise of being a political prisoner,” the paper says.
(Lilit Harutiunian)
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