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Press Review

The editor of “Aravot” writes: “Every time former president Robert Kocharian speaks about his political ambitions I almost automatically get the desire to defend the current government. But in any case Armenia needs a strong opposition, preferably not represented by pro-Kocharian forces.” The daily’s editor goes on to say that Kocharian is one of those responsible for “the absence of a political system in Armenia” since, he contends, elections were rigged during his presidency and the authorities started to use ‘information terror’ against dissidents.

Lragir.am writes: “Talking about a new opposition system being formed against the current government in Armenia, in an interview with the Golos Armenii newspaper former president Robert Kocharian said: “I think that the ‘consensus minus one’ formula is already a formed political reality and the process will become more active.” According to Kocharian, the system will also lead to the radicalization of the parliamentary opposition, as, otherwise, they will lose their electorate. The second president in fact warns Prosperous Armenia Party Chairman Gagik Tsarukian and Bright Armenia Party leader Edmon Marukian about consequences of being left out of his political vision.”

“Zhoghovurd” comments on the statement by the State Revenue Committee (SRC) regarding a criminal investigation of the waste management company, Sanitek, which is in charge of garbage collection in Yerevan. The paper writes: “This information raises a number of questions. First, it turns out that a criminal case has been launched on an unknown fact and then complex inspections were appointed. It would be more logical if those inspections were appointed before the institution of the case. We can assume that there were some inspections that revealed that the company evaded taxes, and in that case it is interesting what was found out if not an administrative protocol was drawn up first but a criminal case was launched at once. But if an administrative protocol had been drawn up, why no information was reported on that?... As for the quality of Sanitek’s work, everyone is dissatisfied with it, but even so, the case against the company should not be legally vulnerable, since as a foreign investor Sanitek may seek justice in international arbitration, and then the case of the SRC may become an occasion for the Yerevan municipality to lose a lot of money in court.”

(Lilit Harutiunian)

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