“Haykakan Zhamanak” is worried about increasingly visible friction between the leaders of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. “It is hard to tell whether this process is being steered from abroad or whether [Armenia’s] former rulers are using the Karabakh factor to achieve a revanche,” writes the pro-government paper. “But the fact is that all this is not only dangerous but also illogical.” It says that since Armenia and Karabakh have a common defense, financial and economic systems “radical changes” taking place in Armenia should also spread to Karabakh. “Or else, a rift would be inevitable,” it warns.
“That the current authorities in Artsakh mirror Armenia’s former ruling regime is not only not a secret but also an obvious truth,” writes “Zhamanak.” The only difference, the paper says, is that the Karabakh leadership has enjoyed “warms attitudes” by the people of Armenia. “However, the latest events leave the impression that some people or groups are trying waste or misappropriate that warm association,” it says. “Counterrevolution cannot enter or even look for a chance in Artsakh for the simple reason that it cannot occur in Armenia either. An undesirable event that cannot happen in Armenia also cannot happen in Artsakh.”
“Zhoghovurd” quotes Pashinian as telling a Russian TV channel that he and his associates spent only around $200,000 on last year’s “velvet revolution” in Armenia. “We asked people [to donate cash,] we had an electronic wallet, and Armenians from around the world, mostly from Russia, sent us money,” he said. “With this statement the Armenian prime minister effectively put an end to manipulations that have been consistently carried out over the past year,” comments the paper. “During and after the velvet revolution the former authorities saved no efforts to tell the Russians that what happened in Armenia is a ‘color revolution’ and that the West is behind it. Right from the beginning, the revolution leader, Nikol Pashinian, made clear that this struggle has no geopolitical context. Furthermore, his one-year premiership has demonstrated that … Armenia’s friendship with Russia has deepened further.”
(Lilit Harutiunian)
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