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Press Review

“Zhoghovurd” comments on the first anniversary of Serzh Sarkisian’s dramatic resignation as Armenia’s newly elected prime minister. “He resigned under popular pressure,” writes the paper. “Although he said the day before that ‘a political force that got 7 percent of the vote has no right to speak on behalf of the people’ and hinted at another March 1-style crackdown, he admitted on April 23: ‘Nikol Pashinian was right, I was wrong.’ There was a real jubilation in Armenia on the day of Serzh Sarkisian’s resignation.” The paper says that the greatest achievement of the past year was the conduct of free and fair parliamentary elections in December. It also praised the new government’s economic policies and record.

“Aravot” says that judging from continuing statements made by senior members of Sarkisian’s Republican Party of Armenia (HHK), they “still do not understand and do not even try to understand that they were rejected and are hated to this day.” “They think that the revolution which happened one year ago was the result of a skillful use of public relations and political ‘color’ techniques,” editorializes the paper. “Far from denying that factor, we have to point out that it plaid a secondary role. They key thing was the public mood which accumulated in the past 20 years.”

“The events of last year must also serve as a lesson for the current authorities. Childish jubilation and blind worship are as dangerous as courtier’s flattery,” concludes “Aravot.”

“Zhamanak” says Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has trouble making Armenians understand what the “economic revolution” promised by him is all about. The paper says the main reason for this is that people have traditionally expected their government to give them tangible economic benefits, rather than create conditions for prosperity. “This is where a dialogue is not taking place,” it says, adding that Pashinian and his associates themselves nurtured this “old mindset” when they were in opposition to the country’s former governments.

(Lilit Harutiunian)

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