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Press Review

Lragir.am reacts to Prosperous Armenia (BHK) party leader Gagik Tsarukian’s latest comments on the issue of snap parliamentary elections. “He skirted the main question,” comments the online publication. “If the BHK does stand for pre-term elections why are his parliament deputies opposed to that? Why did the BHK initiate and vote, together with the HHK, for the amendments to the National Assembly statutes which are aimed at scuttling the pre-term elections in December?” It also notes that Tsarukian’s interview with his Kentron TV station was aired two hours later than it was supposed to.

“Tsarukian’s interview testifies to the fact that he was dealt a fairly strong blow on October 2 and that blow showed,” writes “Zhamanak.” “The BHK leader sough to prove, in a state of certain panic and confusion, that he stands with the people and that if the people want the elections to be held in December they don’t mind that.” The paper too wonders why BHK deputies voted for the controversial bill on October 2.

“Zhoghovurd” says Tsarukian’s interview was keenly anticipated. “Tsarukian’s emphases were noteworthy, leaving the impression that the velvet revolution happened mainly because of him,” comments the paper. “Tsarukian categorically denied having ties with former Presidents Robert Kocharian and Serzh Sarkisian.”

(Lilit Harutiunian)

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