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Press Review

“Zhoghovurd” sees a serious toughening of Armenia’s official rhetoric in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The paper says that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has repeatedly stated that the existence of an “atmosphere conducive to peace” is essential for making progress towards the conflict’s resolution. “It is evident that Pashinian’s statements are primarily addressed to the international community, namely the world powers and the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group,” it says. “After all, it is the international community which must be consistent in reining in Azerbaijan.”

“Zhamanak” reports that a radical opposition group whose armed members seized a police station in Yerevan in July 2016 plans to participate in snap parliamentary elections which are due to be held in Armenia later this year or in the first half of 2019.“Many believe that this force will be playing an unconstructive role and, having no big political prospects and being conscious of that, will heighten tensions,” writes the paper. It says it is too early to say whether the movement led by Zhirary Sefilian will revert to armed struggle in case of faring poorly in the elections.

“Aravot” questions the need for pre-term municipal elections in Yerevan, saying that former Mayor Taron Markarian or one of his allies could have continued to run the city under the new central government. “The main thing is for law-enforcement authorities to closely monitor things and prevent corrupt practices,” the paper writes in an editorial.

“We need reforms and other changes badly,” writes “Hraparak.” “The swap that was formed in Armenia over the decades is anathema to any progress and development. There is no doubt that our country needed fresh air brought by Nikol Pashinian and the public. It is only natural that people took to the streets in hopes of seeing positive change and is now patient. This is another reason why our young rulers are in a hurry. That haste is fraught with many dangers. One thing is clear: Nikol Pashinian’s government has hit various sectors and individuals and has moved many things at a time. It therefore runs the risk of failure.”

(Tigran Avetisian)

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