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Press Review

“Zhamanak” comments on allegations by the National Security Service (NSS) that businessman Samvel Aleksanian’s Alex Holding group has evaded millions of dollars in taxes. “The NSS has revealed something which just about every active citizen of Armenia knows,” writes the paper. The only question, it says, is that how much Aleksanian and other influential tycoons paid the country’s previous rulers for their privileged positions in business.

“After the velvet revolution the [former ruling] HHK has found itself in a pit whit itself had dug,” writes “Zhoghovurd.” The paper sees an “outflow” of deputies from the HHK’s parliamentary faction, saying that the party has no “legislative levers” to force defectors to resign from the parliament. It says that the HHK itself had previously resisted calls for obligating such defectors to relinquish their parliament seats. “The HHK elite now regrets not taking that measure,” it says. “It did not occur to HHK figures that Serzh Sarkisian will resign and they will lose power one day.”

“Haykakan Zhamanak” suggests that the new Armenian government will try to achieve a reduction in the prices of electricity and natural gas in the country. “Even without complex calculations, it is evident that there are substantial resources for cutting the tariffs,” writes the paper. “The thing is that the energy and gas sectors have always been murky to the public. They are closed systems with huge amounts of money in circulation. For many years the Armenian energy sector has been controlled by loyalists of the ruling clan. People holding high-level and mid-level positions there have made huge fortunes.”

“Hayots Ashkhar” sees a growing Azerbaijani military threat to Armenia emanating from the Nakhichevan exclave. The paper points out that in recent weeks Azerbaijani troops deployed there have moved their positions closer to Armenian army posts at some sections of the Armenia-Nakhichevan border.

(Tigran Avetisian)

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