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Press Review

“Zhamanak” says that it is not clear whether the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers made progress towards organizing a meeting of their presidents when they held fresh talks in New York on Saturday. The paper notes a lack of clarity in a statement on those talks released by the U.S., Russian and French co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group. It also distrusts official statements made by the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers.

“Azerbaijan is not interested in [peace] negotiations at the moment because it would have to make concessions during them,” a Russian political analyst, Aleksandr Skakov, tells “168 Zham.” “And Baku is not going to make any concessions. Generally speaking, none of the parties to the conflict is prepared for mutual concessions right now, and negotiations are continuing just for the sake of negotiations.” Skakov is equally skeptical about the results of the Armenian-Azerbaijani summit expected later this year.

“Armenia has again started pursuing a complementary [foreign] policy,” writes “Hraparak.” “An Armenian delegation headed by National Assembly speaker Ara Babloyan is now visiting Georgia, while another one headed by deputy speaker [Eduard] Sharmazanov is in Saint Petersburg. Also, Russia’s education minister is in Yerevan. We have sent a delegation even to Azerbaijan.” The paper claims at the same time that “practically no issue is solved as a result of these mutual visits.”

“Zhoghovurd” is concerned about Armenia’s rising public debt, saying that it is approaching a legal ceiling set at 60 percent. “This is something the authorities have repeatedly been warned about,” the paper writes. “Countries with such a heavy burden are denied fresh loans.”

“Haykakan Zhamanak” says that even more worrying is the way the Armenian authorities have used their foreign loans. The paper says that infrastructure projects financed through such loans have not really shored up Armenia’s construction sector which is continuing to decline.

(Tigran Avetisian)

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