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Press Review

“It remains unclear where Serzh Sarkisian spent his two-week vacation,” writes “Zhoghovurd.” “An official statement said only that Sarkisian will spend part of his vacation abroad. It didn’t specify in which country. This naturally gave rise to various gossips and speculations among people. In particular, it was alleged that Serzh Sarkisian is spending his holiday in the German resort of Baden-Baden known for its casinos.” By contrast, the paper says, Prime Minister Karen Karapetian publicized the venue of his summer holiday: Nagorno-Karabakh.

“Haykakan Zhamanak” comments on news of an official Israeli investigation launched into reports that an Israeli defense company “tested” its suicide drones on an Armenian military position in Karabakh when trying to sell them to Azerbaijan this summer. The paper notes that the reports followed an Israeli government minister’s visit to Yerevan that resulted in the signing of a number of Armenian-Israeli agreements.

“It was a serious visit because no Israeli minister had visited Armenia in the past ten years,” it says. “Serzh Sarkisian went on vacation the day before [Israeli Regional Cooperation Minister] Tzachi Hanegbi’s visit, declining to meet him. On one hand, it was a clear message to Israel. On the other hand, it means that if the purpose of the trip was to end the scandal [caused by Israel’s arms deals with Azerbaijan] it was doomed to fail right from the beginning.”

“Hraparak” weighs in on a public debate sparked by the opposition Yelk alliance’s demands for renaming streets in Yerevan bearing the names of Armenian Communist leaders of the 1920s and 1930s. “Many remember the euphoria that was experienced by people during the [1991] dismantling of Lenin’s statue [in Yerevan’s central square] and the renaming of Lenin Avenue [in the city,]” comments the paper. “But even at that time there were people saying that name changes alone are not renewals. Our problem is to get rid of the old mentality, rather than old names. History cannot be erased.”

(Tigran Avetisian)

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