“168 Zham” doubts the ability of opposition parties to achieve any major success during elections if their possible consolidation happens around old mottos like “for a better country”. In the paper’s view, experience has shown that such consolidations are “the shortest way to failure.” “In reality, opposition forces can and must unite over such principles and goals that will make them different from the government and government-made pseudo-opposition groups,” it says.
“Zhoghovurd” comments on yesterday’s meeting of President Serzh Sarkisian with road police representatives and officials in charge of paid parking and traffic cameras, describing it as another “pre-election show”. During the meeting, the paper reports, Sarkisian said that their goal should be “creating a convenient environment for our citizens” rather than “ripping off the drivers”. “But who had ordered the importation and installation of those traffic cameras in the first place? It was done on Sarkisian’s orders,” writes the daily, reminding its readers that the private companies managing paid parking and traffic cameras in Yerevan are owned by people close to Sarkisian and his family.
“Zhamanak”, too, believes that speed radars and road surveillance cameras have put tens of thousands of Armenian citizens in trouble. It says that over the past few years they have lost sizable amounts of money, as well as their “nerves and health”. “And now that a few months remain till the parliamentary elections and Armenia is, in fact, at a pre-election stage, Sarkisian declares that the private companies that have taken billions of drams away from citizens have managed to solve certain financial problems and it is time to also think a little bit about the public good.”
(Anush Mkrtchian)
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