“Zhamanak” is dismissive about a list of 12 demands to the government that was issued on Tuesday by the four opposition parties represented in Armenia’s parliament. “Of course, it would be wrong to say that the quartet’s 12 points are not important to citizens,” writes the paper. “They are very important. However, the 12 points essentially contain no concrete systemic demands.”
“Hraparak” says there is little else opposition forces can do now that changing the government though elections is practically impossible in Armenia. All they can do, the paper says, is to “make statements, expose the government’s mistakes and demand that they be rectified.”
“It is time to finally understand that our opposition cannot be better than the government,” “Hayots Ashkhar” writes on the same subject. “We are always equal to our enemy and subconsciously imitate him. And since governments in Armenia have long been based on the principle of negative selection, the opposition is guided by the same rule: ‘You are bad and I can be even worse.’”
“The 12 points need to be revised,” editorializes “Aravot.” “Some of them are merely nice wishes that need to be clarified in a political document like that.” In particular, the paper points to more “oversight functions” demanded by the Armenian opposition. “What and where should the opposition oversee?” it asks. “Should there be an opposition-affiliated prosecutor-general, police chief or head of the [parliament’s] Audit Chamber?”
(Naira Bulghadarian)
“Hraparak” says there is little else opposition forces can do now that changing the government though elections is practically impossible in Armenia. All they can do, the paper says, is to “make statements, expose the government’s mistakes and demand that they be rectified.”
“It is time to finally understand that our opposition cannot be better than the government,” “Hayots Ashkhar” writes on the same subject. “We are always equal to our enemy and subconsciously imitate him. And since governments in Armenia have long been based on the principle of negative selection, the opposition is guided by the same rule: ‘You are bad and I can be even worse.’”
“The 12 points need to be revised,” editorializes “Aravot.” “Some of them are merely nice wishes that need to be clarified in a political document like that.” In particular, the paper points to more “oversight functions” demanded by the Armenian opposition. “What and where should the opposition oversee?” it asks. “Should there be an opposition-affiliated prosecutor-general, police chief or head of the [parliament’s] Audit Chamber?”
(Naira Bulghadarian)