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Press Review

“Zhoghovurd” says the fact that only three opposition members of Armenia’s parliament voted on Tuesday against Gevorg Kostanian’s appointment as prosecutor-general exposed the deplorable state of the Armenian political scene. The paper argues that at least 17 deputies are officially in opposition to the government and many of them harshly criticized Kostanian when he served as the country’s chief military prosecutor.

According to “Hayots Ashkhar,” eight opposition deputies voted on Kostanian’s candidacy and all of them claimed to have rejected it. The pro-government paper mocks these assurances. “Our opposition is acting like opposition only on the podiums and on air,” it says.

Alexei Malashenko, a Russian political analyst, tells “Zhamanak” that it is too early to speculate about the consequences of Armenia’s membership in the customs union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. But he points out that the union has already not lived up to Kazakhstan’s expectations. “Of course, Armenia is not Kazakhstan, it’s smaller and so are its ambitions,” continues Malashenko. He also believes that Yerevan bowed to Russian pressure because of its heavy dependence on Russian military assistance.

“Azg” slams those government backers who claim that European integration amounts to promotion of homosexual relations and that membership in the Russian-led customs union is therefore essential for preserving Armenian national traditions. The paper argues that Armenia already has an international obligation to respect the rights of sexual minorities as a member of the Council of Europe.

(Tigran Avetisian)