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U.S. Hails ‘Progress’ In Armenia-Azerbaijan Talks

National Security Advisor to the U.S. President Jake Sullivan (file photo).
National Security Advisor to the U.S. President Jake Sullivan (file photo).

A senior United States official has welcomed “progress” made by the top diplomats of Armenia and Azerbaijan that have been engaged in marathon talks in Washington this week to try to hammer out an agreement to normalize relations between the two South Caucasus countries.

In a Twitter post after meeting the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan on May 3, National Security Advisor to the U.S. President Jake Sullivan wrote: “Good to host Ararat Mirzoyan and Jeyhun Bayramov together at the White House today. We welcome the progress Armenia and Azerbaijan have made in talks and encourage continued dialogue.”

Sullivan said that “a sustainable and just agreement will be key to unlocking opportunities for both countries and the region.”

Earlier, Armenia’s Foreign Ministry said that during the trilateral meeting Mirzoyan emphasized that Azerbaijan’s “withdrawal from sovereign Armenian territories” and “addressing the issue of the rights and security of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh within a mechanism of internationally guaranteed dialogue” were key to a “comprehensive settlement and long-term stability in the region.”

Earlier on Wednesday Armenia’s Foreign Ministry said that negotiations between Mirzoyan and Bayramov in Washington were scheduled to end on May 4.

The U.S. Department of State said Secretary Antony Blinken was scheduled to join the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers for a closing session of their bilateral negotiations later on Thursday.