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France Demands Azeri Withdrawal From ‘Armenian Territory’

France -- The building of the French Foreign Ministry.
France -- The building of the French Foreign Ministry.

France accused Azerbaijan of occupying Armenia’s sovereign territory when it reacted late on Wednesday to the latest deadly clash on the border between the two South Caucasus states.

It said the fighting, which left at least seven soldiers from both sides dead, broke out Tuesday “in Armenian territory” near Tegh, a border village in Armenia’s Syunik province.

Azerbaijani army units took up new positions in the area on March 30 after advancing into what Yerevan regards as Armenian territory. Baku denies that they crossed the border.

“We reiterate that the delineation of the border must be achieved exclusively through negotiations, and we urge the Parties to continue their efforts to that end,” read a statement released by the French Foreign Ministry.

“Armenia’s territorial integrity must be respected and Azerbaijani forces occupying positions on the Armenian side of the line of contact must withdraw in order to prevent future incidents and preserve the foundations of a lasting peace in the region,” it said.

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry condemned the “one-sided” statement and presented is as another example of France’s “biased attitude” towards Azerbaijan.

Unlike France, the European Union did not blame either side for the fighting. An EU foreign policy spokeswoman urged Armenia and Azerbaijan to withdraw their troops from the volatile border and respect each other’s territorial integrity.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian hailed the EU’s reaction on Thursday, saying that Yerevan has backed the idea of troop disengagement for the last two years. “Such a solution is hampered by Azerbaijan’s unconstructive position,” he said.

The Armenian military has said that Tuesday’s fighting erupted when its troops deployed just outside Tegh came under Azerbaijani fire. Baku has blamed the Armenian side for the escalation.