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Press Review

“Aravot” disapproves of deputy parliament speaker Alen Simonian’s remark that Robert Kocharian and Serzh Sarkisian should not be referred to as former presidents because “they had never been elected president.” The paper says that if one is to believe Simonian “Armenia did not have a president for 20 years and the individuals who signed international treaties, ratified laws and signed decrees were in fact not presidents.” “The history of the state is a continuous process,” it says. “There cannot be ‘white spots’ here.”

“Hraparak” comments on Thursday’s celebrations in Nagorno-Karabakh of the 27th anniversary of the capture of Shushi, saying that they amounted to a “show of national unity” as they were attended by current and former government leaders, party members and non-partisan individuals. “One thing is clear,” writes the paper. “The ideas of homeland and victory unite people and make them forget their disagreements and differences. There is a good reason why in times of adversity the nation closes the ranks and defends its land and right to live there. The Armenian people have repeatedly proved that.”

Lragir.am reports that the European Union and its partner states involved in the Eastern Partnership program will hold a summit in Brussels on May 24. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev will also attend it. “Nikol Pashinian said yesterday that an official meeting [with Aliyev] is not planned but that he won’t mind talking and discussing the situation if there is an opportunity,” writes the publication. “One of the topics [of such a conversation] is renewed tensions on the borders, even though Pashinian does not consider that a destabilization.” It also hopes that Pashinian will continue to press the EU to avoid any pro-Azerbaijani references in the text of an upcoming agreement with Azerbaijan.

(Lilit Harutiunian)

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