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Press Review

“Zhoghovurd” says the December 9 elections will mark the final chapter of Armenia’s “velvet revolution.” “After a more than 20-year break Armenia’s citizens have formed a government safe in the knowledge that there will be no fraud and their votes will not be stolen in the upcoming elections,” writes the paper. “Accordingly, the legitimacy of the government will be restored.” It notes that all election contenders agree that the victory of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s My Step alliance is a forgone conclusion.

“Aravot” says that the election campaign is shaping up as a multi-partisan bashing of former President Serzh Sarkisian’s Republican Party of Armenia (HHK). “Most of what is being said about the former authorities is true but talking only about them for more than two weeks means that neither the participants of the election campaign nor, so to speak, the spectators care about party platforms and ideas,” editorializes the paper. It says that in these circumstances the election contenders do not have to “understand the real needs of ordinary people.” “But starting from December 10 it will be increasingly harder [for the authorities] to say that the ‘former criminal regime’ hampers the resolution of one or another problem,” it adds.

“Zhamanak” reacts to HHK claims that Pashinian should brace for a “big surprise” on election night. “The HHK is probably saying that it will win more votes than expected,” writes the paper. “At the moment few believe that the HHK will manage to clear the [5 percent] vote threshold or at least finish third in the elections.” The paper says that the HHK’s continued presence in the National Assembly would not be good for the country.

(Lilit Harutiunian)

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