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Pashinian Meets Dashnaktsutyun Leaders

Armenia - Supporters of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation attend an election campaign rally in Yerevan, 30Mar2017.
Armenia - Supporters of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation attend an election campaign rally in Yerevan, 30Mar2017.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has met with leaders of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) less than two weeks after scrapping a de facto power-sharing deal with the party reached in May.

In a statement, Dashnaktsutyun said four members of its decision-making Bureau discussed with Pashinian on Thursday the political situation in Armenia and “forthcoming developments.”

“They agreed to continue meetings in the coming days,” the statement added without giving any details.

The two sides almost certainly spoke about Pashinian’s plans to force snap general elections in December.

Dashnaktsutyun has insisted until now that the elections be delayed until next May or June so that political forces have enough time to prepare for them. On October 2, its parliament deputies joined their colleagues from the former ruling Republican Party (HHK) in hastily passing a bill that could have complicated the early conduct of the polls.

Pashinian reacted furiously to that development, accusing Dashnaktsutyun and another coalition partner, the Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK), of being involved in a “counterrevolutionary” conspiracy against his government. He also fired the six government ministers who represented the two parties.

The BHK last week dropped its objections to Pashinian’s plans, signing a corresponding memorandum of understanding with the premier. The HHK leadership has indicated, for its part, that it will not attempt to scuttle those plans.

Arsen Hambardzumian, one of the Dashnaktsutyun leaders who met with Pashinian, said on Friday that his party is inclined to take part in the anticipated December vote. But he said it is not planning to sign any joint statements with Pashinian.

“Mutual trust among political forces is much more important than any signed document,” Hambardzumian told RFE/RL’s Armenian service (Azatutyun.am).

Hambardzumian also expressed hope that the current parliament will swiftly enact major amendments to the Electoral Code which will change the electoral system and introduce more safeguards against fraud.

A government task force formed by Pashinian this summer has drafted a package of such amendments. But it is not clear whether the National Assembly will debate them this month.

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