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Press Review

“Robert Kocharian says that he is returning to active politics in order to defend his honor and dignity,” “Zhamanak” writes in a commentary on the former Armenian president’s interview with a Russian TV channel aired on Tuesday. The paper says Kocharian essentially blamed Serzh Sarkisian for the recent revolution in Armenia, saying that his successor should not have tried to cling to power.

“Hayots Ashkhar” says Kocharian’s political comeback has been one of the most important political developments of this summer. “This is only the beginning,” the paper says in reference of the former president’s recent moves and statements.

“Zhoghovurd” notes the readiness of Sarkisian’s Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) to cooperate with Kocharian. The paper finds it natural, saying that Kocharian’s and Sarkisian’s interests “again converge now.” “They are now united by the criminal investigation into the March 1 [2008 violence,]” it says. “Driven by their self-defense instincts, they now have to join forces and fight together.” The paper says that the HHK and its spokesman Eduard Sharmazanov in particular criticized Kocharian in the not so distant past. “During Serzh Sarkisian’s presidency Kocharian voiced criticism of the authorities from time to time and Sharmazanov was the first to counter it, often using crude language.”

“Even under the former authorities there were people who warned that enslaving the judicial system is a dangerous path that lays the foundation of a vicious tradition of courts serving some people today and others tomorrow,” editorializes “Hraparak.” The paper says Kocharian and Sarkisian are now paying the consequences of their tight grip on the judiciary. “[Kocharian] hopes now that the judicial system is not that devastated and crushed and will dare to go against the will of the new authorities and rule in his favor,” it says.

(Tigran Avetisian)

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