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Press Review

“Zhamanak” says that Monday’s shock hostage taking at a kindergarten in the town of Armavir was a consequence of the exiting “social-psychological atmosphere” in Armenia which the paper blames on the increased number of suicides. “Out of desperation, people see violence as a solution because they see no other ways out,” it claims.

“The more we speak of violence, pass laws aimed at preventing violence, open criminal cases as part of a fight against violence, set up non-governmental organizations, build shelter for victims of violence, the more violence occurs,” writes “Hraparak.” The paper says that the Armavir incident only underlined the urgency of passing a law against violence that has been drafted by the Armenian Ministry of Justice.

“Zhoghovurd” speculates that the signing of Armenia’s Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with the European Union, widely expected during an EU summit in November 24, is still not a forgone conclusion. “The thing is that Serzh Sarkisian is going to leave for Russia on November 15 on a working visit during which he will participate in the opening of Armenian Culture Days in Moscow,” says the paper. “That means he will be in Moscow before the [EU] summit in Brussels, presumably to ascertain some issues.”

“Zhoghovurd” notes that Sarkisian announced his unexpected decision to join the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union at the expense of Armenia’s Association Agreement with the EU right after a September 2013 meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The alternative deal with the EU might be scuttled in a similar fashion, it says.

(Tigran Avetisian)

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