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‘No Obstacles’ To EU-Armenia Deal

Armenia - Justice Minister Davit Harutiunian speaks to journalists in Yerevan, 15Jun2017.
Armenia - Justice Minister Davit Harutiunian speaks to journalists in Yerevan, 15Jun2017.

Nothing stands in the way of Armenia signing a landmark agreement with the European Union next month, a senior government official in Yerevan insisted on Tuesday.

The Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA), finalized in March, is widely expected to be signed at the EU’s November 24 summit in Brussels. Johannes Hahn, the EU commissioner for European neighborhood policy, discussed with Armenian leaders preparations for the summit when he visited Yerevan on October 2.

There are lingering fears among pro-Western circles in Armenia that Yerevan will walk away from the agreement under pressure from Russia at the last minute. They point to President Serzh Sarkisian’s unexpected decision in 2013 to join the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union. That move scuttled an Association Agreement that was negotiated by Armenian and EU officials.

Justice Minister Davit Harutiunian was asked by reporters whether there are any obstacles to the signing of the CEPA. “I don’t see them,” he replied.

Harutiunian also denied any geopolitical motives behind the EU’s decision to publicize the CEPA late last week, arguing that Yerevan and Brussels have already “reached final agreements on the text.” “So there is no need to look for any secrets or messages there,” added the minister.

The 350-page draft agreement posted on the EU website calls for Armenia’s greater involvement in “policies, programs and agencies of the European Union.” It commits the Armenian government to implementing political reforms and “approximating” national economic laws and regulations to those of the EU.

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