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Press Review

“Zhamanak” suggests that President Serzh Sarkisian’s unwillingness to speak about his political plans prompts that not everything is under his control. “The actions of Sarkisian reveal his goal – not to allow anyone to understand what he is doing. This is not an action or tactic of a person who keeps the situation under his control. But, however strange that may seem, due to this Sarkisian manages to control the situation or create a full imitation of keeping the situation under control,” the paper writes.

“Haykakan Zhamanak” writes: “According to the official data published by the National Statistical Service, during the first four months of this year, as compared to the same period of 2016, construction volumes in Armenia decreased by 13.4 percent. And this is in the case when last year, as compared to 2015, construction volumes dropped by 7.4 percent. Construction is usually considered to be a mirror of the economic situation. In other words, if the economy is active, construction is active too. Even though during the past six or seven years some “bright” economic results have been posted in Armenia, the construction sector has never recovered. And this means that other economic indicators were simply artificial.”

(Anush Mkrtchian)

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