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Press Review

“The terrorist attacks in Paris have shocked the world and many have rushed to declare that this is the beginning of the Third World War,” writes “Chorrord Ishkhanutyun.” “Maybe this is true. It is not clear, however, who the warring sides are. What is clear that is that the war is not between the Christians and the Muslims. The presence of great power politics is also evident. And it is based on concrete interests of great powers that do not include human and civilizational values.”

“It is hard to tell what must be done to counter the new wave of international terrorism,” “Aravot” says in an editorial. “One must not vent their anger on peaceful migrants – the poor people who have indeed fled hellish conditions in their home countries. The European governments and security service must manage to find terrorists among the refugees that have flooded their countries.” The paper says they must also prevent attacks on mosques and other Islamic institutions. “Chaos in those countries is what the Islamist terrorists would love to see,” it says.

“It is obvious that the creeping war unfolding around the world is affecting everyone and that the bells are tolling for Armenia as well,” says “Zhamanak.” The paper complains that the Armenian political class and media remain preoccupied only with domestic political issues and the upcoming constitutional referendum in particular. “The elites are detached from reality,” it says. “Events around us are unfolding with a dazzling speed, whereas events within Armenia are developing in a dazzling contrast with that speed.”

(Anush Mkrtchian)