Ahead of the seventh anniversary of the 2008 deadly post-election clashes, “Chorrord Ishkhanutyan” writes: “March 1, 2008 marked the beginning of a new stage in the popular movement. The society lived through difficult days – political reprisals, the presence of several dozen political prisoners, people who went into hiding, physical pressure and violence against representatives of all strata of society – from businessmen to journalists, from laborers to artists. A campaign of terror against society was declared and the society accepted that challenge.”
In an interview with “Hayots Ashkhar” opposition Free Democrats Party leader Khachatur Kokobelian describes the political system of Armenia as one of the most corrupt systems in the country. “A large class of corrupt political ‘pensioners’ has emerged in Armenia’s political arena and it has nothing to do with the politicians’ ages. If political figures or groups choose corrupt processes it shows that they have exhausted themselves and have nothing to do in politics.”
“Haykakan Zhamanak” says the amount of money allocated for the repairs of 134 houses in six communities situated near the border with Azerbaijan and damaged by shootings and shelling from Azerbaijan is equal to the amount of money the government spent on buying souvenirs at the end of last year. “And how many villages could be restored in Armenia at the expense of the money that the government spends on endless repairs of the government building, the purchase of new cars, their technical maintenance, gasoline, tires? A rough estimate suggests there will not be enough villages in Armenia to spend all that money for,” the paper writes, ironically.
“Zhoghovurd” deplores the use of force by police against women trying to stage protests near the presidential office to demand answers regarding the deaths of their sons in the army. “No matter how objective the demands of these women are, treating them like this is, to put it mildly, immoral. It is this kind of treatment that discourages young men of conscription age and makes the parents seek ways for their sons to get out of Armenia as soon as possible. But our country lives under a constant threat of renewed hostilities [with Azerbaijan],” the paper says.
(Tigran Avetisian)