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Press Review

“Aravot” suggests that most Armenians would back their country’s accession to the Russian-led customs union if the issue was put on a referendum. The paper cautions at the same time that the absence of credible opinion polls in Armenia makes it hard to back up this assertion.

“Zhamanak” accuses the country’s political leadership of evading public debates on the wisdom of joining the union. The paper says that President Serzh Sarkisian and his relevant ministers are obliged to give convincing and detailed explanations to the people. It says their continuing silence proves that the decision to join the union was not made in Yerevan.

“Hayots Ashkhar” quotes Levon Melik-Shahnazarian, a political commentator, as insisting that the Armenian government was not forced into the Russian-led bloc. Melik-Shahnazarian argues that Russian President Vladimir Putin had prior knowledge of Armenia’s association talks with the European Union and could not have only recently gained additional leverage to block that process.

“Zhoghovurd” deplores the Armenian opposition’s “passive” response to President Sarkisian’s September 3 announcement in Moscow. The paper suggests that opposition groups lack the courage to condemn Moscow for its pressure on Yerevan. This means, it says, that the opposition “deserves to have a president like Serzh Sarkisian.”

(Tigran Avetisian)