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Baku Blasts Armenian ‘Endorsement’ Of Aliyev

Moldova -- Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian (R) meets with his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev in Chisinau, 08Oct2009
Moldova -- Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian (R) meets with his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev in Chisinau, 08Oct2009
Azerbaijan strongly condemned President Serzh Sarkisian on Tuesday for declaring that his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev’s victory in an upcoming presidential election would be good for Armenia.

Novruz Mammadov, Aliyev’s chief foreign policy aide, said that ulterior motives were behind the Azerbaijani president’s surprise endorsement by the “man whose hands are stained with Azerbaijani blood.”

“First of all, Sarkisian wants to tell the world that Armenia is a democratic state and he is a democratically elected president, even though everybody knows how the current Armenian president was elected,” Mammadov told Newtimes.az. “Secondly, Sarkisian is trying to make the domestic public think that he is making efforts for the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. But that is also a lie.”

“Certainly, such absurd statements by the head of a state that has been occupying 20 percent of Azerbaijan’s territory for more than 20 years may seem interesting only to those who demonstrate a biased position on those processes,” he said.

“Sarkisian is well aware that no matter how many false statements and wily plans he makes Azerbaijan will get back its lands,” added the official.

Mammadov went on to accuse the Azerbaijani opposition of using Sarkisian’s statements for a “dirty campaign” against the authorities in Baku. “Don’t they know that Sarkisian never speaks sincerely of Azerbaijan and its president?” he said.

Visiting a pro-government youth camp in central Armenia on Saturday, Sarkisian suggested that Aliyev’s reelection would be “the most acceptable and preferable development for us.” He said the Azerbaijani leader could overcome his “fanatical Armenophobia” and thus pave the way for a resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict during his third term in office.