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Press Review

(Saturday, June 30)

“Chorrord Inknishkhanutyun” insists that the political situation in Armenia is not “dead” at present. “In fact, the situation has not been so tense before, and we don’t mean social tension,” writes the pro-opposition paper. “Fierce battles are simultaneously underway on several fronts. On the one hand, economic clans are fighting each other with compromising material. On the other hand, Serzh Sarkisian is desperately running between the Eurasian Union and European integration. It is clear that possibilities of playing such games are exhausted, and Armenia will literally be faced with a loss of independence very soon. The most dangerous thing is that the society has no leverage to influence this.”

“Zhamanak” claims that all spheres of life are “in deep crisis.” The paper singles out ongoing protests by fruit farmers against their inability to sell their produce at reasonable prices. The paper says that President Serzh Sarkisian’s 2012 calls for government officials to pay greater attention to agriculture fell on deaf ears.

“Hraparak” criticizes festive ceremonies that were organized by the Armenian government, law-enforcement bodies and military in recent days. “When you put all these festivities on the same plane, you get the impression that we live in a prosperous European country, rather than Armenia,” complains the paper.

(Karlen Aslanian)