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Press Review

“Aravot” questions Levon Ter-Petrosian’s criticism of Armenian politicians seeking the backing of foreign powers, saying that the former president himself sought such support during the 2008 presidential race. The paper claims that the political strategy of Ter-Petrosian and his Armenian National Congress (HAK) has been “based on the position of big powers” since 2008. “It can even be asserted that the most obedient political force reckoning with the big powers’ opinion has been the HAK,” it says.

“168 Zham” also analyzes Ter-Petrosian’s weekend speech. “It was probably Levon Ter-Petrosian’s first speech in the last five years which did not contain any criticism of the authorities,” the paper says, adding that the HAK only responded to his former allies have who left his bloc because of disagreements with his policy. It says that Ter-Petrosian deliberately did not discuss the overall political situation in order to avoid any mention of the Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK). “In case of addressing the latter, Levon Ter-Petrosian would have to make at least a few critical comments about the party and its leader Gagik Tsarukian, who has not lived up to any of his expectations,” adds the paper.

“Hayots Ashkhar” says some Ter-Petrosian loyalists still believe that he will run for president. “Others are silent, not knowing what to say,” says the paper. It wonders why Ter-Petrosian focused on the perceived dangers of being pro-Russian or pro-Western, instead of discussing the presidential election in detail. It suggests that he simply did not want to acknowledge the failure of his political calculations related to the BHK.

“The authorities are in euphoria,” writes “Chorrord Inknishkhanutyun.” “And their euphoria is so palpable that there is something offensive about it, for Serzh Sarkisian in the first instance. But he is in such a position that he cannot afford to be offended. He is forced to accept insults and pretend believing that the people will elect him.”

(Tigran Avetisian)