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Russia’s Medvedev Upbeat On ‘Special’ Ties With Armenia

Russia - Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (R) meets with Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian in Moscow, 15Mat2012.
Russia - Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (R) meets with Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian in Moscow, 15Mat2012.
Russia’s newly appointed Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev sounded optimistic about the future of his country’s “special” relationship with Armenia as met with President Serzh Sarkisian in Moscow late on Tuesday.

“First of all, I would like to welcome you and in my new capacity express confidence that we will continue good cooperation … especially given the special, allied relations between our countries,” he told Sarkisian at the start of the meeting.

In televised remarks, Medvedev also congratulated Sarkisian on the landslide victory scored by the ruling Republican Party of Armenia in the May 6 parliamentary elections.

“I hope that it will be a necessary condition for the steady and productive development of Armenia as a state and, of course, the accomplishment of a large number of socioeconomic tasks set by you,” he said. “Naturally, the Russian Federation will contribute to these processes by all means. We remain good friends and allies.”

Sarkisian similarly said that Russian-Armenian relations will grow stronger after Vladimir Putin’s return to the Kremlin and his replacement by Medvedev.

Official Armenian and Russian sources gave no details of the meeting’s agenda and results.

Sarkisian flew to Moscow to attend an informal summit of the Commonwealth of Independent States. He held no separate talks there with Putin, who was inaugurated as Russia’s president last week.