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Press Review

(Saturday, March 24)

“Hayots Ashkhar” expects the next Armenian parliament to differ little from the current one. “There will be some shifts during the election campaign, but we are unlikely to see any new things apart from the opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) entering the National Assembly,” the daily concludes.

“Chorrord Inknishkhanutyun” challenges the integrity of some pro-government and opposition parties based on a number of controversial figures included in their lists of candidates for the May parliamentary elections: “It turns out that we again get a ‘mixed salad’ as the lists of pro-government parties have politicians who until recently positioned themselves as opposition figures and the ostensibly opposition parties feature some clearly pro-establishment figures.”

“Zhamanak” focuses on the ongoing “bickering” between two major opposition camps – the HAK and the Heritage party – over the simultaneous nomination of candidates in a single-mandate constituency against a government-linked tycoon: “Of course, Heritage’s founding leader Raffi Hovannisian said he had made his bid without knowing about the HAK’s nomination of Nikol Pashinian, but his statement did not reduce the intensity of mutual accusations and insults that the two opposition factions have been hurling at each other. Imagine what their rivalry will be like during the election campaign proper as the polls draw closer!”

Writing on the same subject, the editor of the “Aravot” daily laments the lack of communication between the major opposition forces: “The HAK, Heritage and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation have no elementary mechanism for sharing information, in particular about who and where will be nominated as a candidate…The most important thing that these three opposition forces should have done is to try to identify who has the strongest potential in a particular constituency in terms of their candidates, proxies, observers and agree on the distribution of nominations accordingly.”

(Tigran Avetisian)