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Press Review

“Zhamanak” reports that the European People’s Party, a coalition of Europe’s leading right-wing parties, looks set to admit the Republican, Orinats Yerkir and Zharangutyun parties into its ranks but has said nothing about the membership bid of another Armenian party, Prosperous Armenia (BHK). “Was that conditioned by Armenia’s internal political realities or the fact that that party is seen by the EPP as pro-Russian or is not considered a party at all and denied EPP membership for that reason?” The paper says the EPP’s stance shows that implications of the government infighting in Yerevan are not confined to Armenia.

Kovalenko Shahgeldian, governor of Armenia’s central Kotayk province, assures “Aravot” that the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) is the strongest political force in his region. “The HHK has a fairly high rating in our province,” he says, adding that it will therefore win “necessary votes” in the next parliamentary elections. “There will be no escalations,” he says. “Our relations with everyone are following the normal course but each of us will do its job.”

“Chorrord Inknishkhanutyun” slams those who fault the opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) for seeking to gain power. “This is a horrible accusation indeed,” the pro-HAK daily says with sarcasm. “But this is only part of the exposed conspiracy. The whole depth of intrigues is exposed by the fact that the Congress is seeking to gain power by means of elections.”

“Hayots Ashkhar” says that the HAK will end its “lengthy and arduous marathon” of street protests on Saturday with a march through central Yerevan dedicated to International Human Rights Day. The pro-presidential paper says the protest will mark the end of the declared HAK campaign for the holding of early presidential and parliamentary elections in Armenia. It expects “various changes” to occur on the Armenian political scene before the bloc led by former President Levon Ter-Petrosian resumes its Yerevan rallies in February 2012.

“Yerkir” expresses concern over the fate of Armenian communities in the Middle East in the light of the continuing unrest in the Arab world. The paper says “those ongoing processes could substantially endanger the Armenian communities” in Syria and other Arab states.

(Tigran Avetisian)