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Press Review

“Hraparak” says the scandal over alleged irregularities during the election of the opposition HHSh party’s new board leaves no hope for the holding of free and fair parliamentary elections in Armenia in the foreseeable future. “If we can’t refrain from fraud even when electing the governing body of an opposition party which can bring no government levers, money, welfare and other perks, then we will never be able to hold a fair election at any level,” editorializes the paper.

“168 Zham” finds “weird” the fact that President Serzh Sarkisian made his latest statements on the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process at a meeting with members of a pro-government youth organization and young Diaspora Armenians, rather than war veterans, political figures or prominent intellectuals. “If, God forbid, the war resumes, will these white-collar opportunists or Diaspora Armenian youths spending holidays at the expense of their [historical] homeland defend our borders?” asks the paper.

“Just one independent TV company would be capable of bringing down the criminal system existing in all spheres of life in Armenia,” writes “Chorrord Inknishkhanutyun.” “After all, Armenia is a small country. All processes there are visible, and one or two dozen TV cameras would be enough to present the situation reigning in all spheres.”

“In this situation, Azerbaijan is acting under pressure from Turkey,” Ruben Safrastian, a senior Turkey expert at the Armenian National Academy of Sciences, tells “Hayots Ashkhar.” “In recent years, Turkey’s foreign policy has become adventure-oriented. That country’s ruling faction, the Justice and Development Party elite, has not only subjugated the state in the political sense but has also managed to subordinate the military to itself … For Turkey, the change of geopolitical course is quite dangerous, while for Azerbaijan, it could even spell a disaster.”

“The existence of any kind of opposition is good for Armenia,” political commentator Hrant Ter-Abrahamian tells “Kapital.” “If it is a real opposition, that is. I would be happy to see another [opposition] force like the [Armenian National] Congress that would act from different positions. I’m not sure that [Levon] Ter-Petrosian would be against that. However, experience shows that such forces can not establish themselves … I can’t say why. But the fact is that the Congress is the good or bad opposition of our time.”

(Aghasi Yenokian)