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Press Review

(Saturday, July 25)

Lragir.am comments on the latest rumors about the resumption of large-scale hostilities around Nagorno-Karabakh circulated by the Armenian press and some politicians’ claims that Azerbaijan is preparing for another war. “Even the French co-chair of the Minsk Group, [Bernard] Fassier, has warned of such a danger in case a final settlement does not come about,” says the online journal. “Interestingly, the nature of the whispers was very convenient for the Armenian authorities. It all seemed very nice. It turned out that Serzh [Sarkisian] is a savior. Don’t touch him or Armenia and Karabakh will reach their end. At the same time, they were instilling [in the public] the view that we must sign the Minsk Group’s document or get in trouble.”

“Many wonder if Serzh Sarkisian is pursuing such a bad foreign policy deliberately or it just turned out that way regardless of his will,” writes “Hayk.” “Others are trying to prove that foreign policy is directly connected with the domestic situation. They key thing is not to allow some forces to hold Serzh Sarkisian fully responsible for the situation. We must accept and emphasize that Robert Kocharian and Serzh Sarkisian equally share responsibility for the existing situation.”

“Hayots Ashkhar” seeks to explain why a pro-opposition daily has reprinted former President Levon Ter-Petrosian’s famous 1997 article in which he made a case for a compromise settlement with Azerbaijan. The paper says the purpose of that was to “rein in” hard-line elements in Ter-Petrosian’s Armenian National Congress (HAK) that have spoke out against major concessions to Azerbaijan.

“Perhaps bellicose statements, troop movements, troop build-ups along the border are primarily done for psychological attack, with each party trying to broaden the other’s room for compromise,” writes “Hraparak.” “But one should also not believe those optimists who are saying that the international community will not allow renewed hostilities in the Caucasus. We think that one can not pin hopes on that. It may well be that our efforts to drag out a settlement will prompt the same international community not to intervene in an [armed] clash … How many casualties must we suffer and how much blood must be spilled before we realize that not a single inch of land is worth a human life.”

(Aghasi Yenokian)