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Press Review

“Turkey would not have had these successes had Armenia been more prudent in and prepared for Turkish-Armenian contacts,” former parliament speaker Tigran Torosian tells “Kapital.” Torosian criticizes the Armenian authorities for “hiding” the roadmap agreement with Ankara. “Frankly speaking, if something is concealed so diligently it is hard to call it a good thing,” he says. Torosian also says that Armenia must do everything to ensure that Nagorno-Karabakh is a “full-fledged party” to negotiations.

“Haykakan Zhamanak” speculates that the provision of fresh World Bank and International Monetary Fund loans to Armenia is “directly connected with ongoing developments in Turkish-Armenian relations and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.” The opposition paper says Russia is also setting political conditions for the release of its promised $500 million loan to Armenia. It says the Armenian government hopes that its pullout from NATO military exercises in Georgia will accelerate the sum’s disbursement.

“Zhamanak” claims that the Armenian authorities will continue to easily deceive the Council of Europe because the latter has a “desire to be deceived.” “It is not clear why the PACE wants to be deceived,” says the paper. “Either European officials get too much hospitality in Armenia, which blinds them, or European delegations solve very concrete political issues under the guise of democracy. It is meaningless and even wrong to link change in Armenian reality with the Armenian-European relationship.”

“Aravot” says that very few of the witnesses in the ongoing political trials in Armenia agree to incriminate opposition leaders in court despite strong pressure from prosecutors. “Normal people do understand that life will not end with these trials and that tomorrow they will have to look their children, friends and neighbors in the eyes,” editorializes the paper.

(Aghasi Yenokian)