“Aravot” comments on the 40-volume criminal case against the most prominent of the opposition members arrested following the March 1 clashes in Yerevan, saying that it does not clearly explain “who fired at whom and how.” “This shroud emerged because the investigating body has mainly concentrated on two objectives: a) to ascertain political preferences of the victims and witnesses; b) to neutralize all accusations against the police and the army,” says the paper. “Because of this unprofessional and politicized approach, the real facts do not come to light.”
“Hayots Ashkhar” criticizes the ad hoc commission of the Armenian parliament investigating the unrest, saying that it is doing everything to placate the opposition despite the fact that Levon Ter-Petrosian and his associates have boycotted it right from the beginning. The paper complains that members of the commission were not offended by Ter-Petrosian’s derogatory comments on the parliamentary inquiry.
“Haykakan Zhamanak” defends the decision by Ter-Petrosian’s Armenian National Congress (HAK) to contest some of the ongoing local elections in Armenia won by pro-government candidates. “The main advantage and trump card of the Congress is that there is no alternative to the current authorities other than the popular movement led by Levon Ter-Petrosian,” says the opposition paper. “To tell the truth, this is a much higher status than the one represented by the post of Kentron or Kanaker-Zeytun mayor.”
“168 Zham” reports on what it calls disagreements within the governing Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) over who should become the new leader of its parliament faction. The paper says President Serzh Sarkisian and other top government officials have thwarted efforts by the party’s deputy chairman, Galust Sahakian, to get the post. It says they prefer instead Eduard Sharmazanov, the HHK’s young spokesman.
“Perhaps one needs to make enormous efforts in order not to find nothing new or noteworthy in the president’s 40-minute address [to the National Assembly,” witres “Novoye Vremya.” “However, representatives of the radical opposition, who are concerned with justifying their rallty agenda did find labels justifying that approach.” The Russian-language paper Ter-Petrosian did not a better job of explaining government policies to the people when he was in power.
(Aghasi Yenokian)
“Hayots Ashkhar” criticizes the ad hoc commission of the Armenian parliament investigating the unrest, saying that it is doing everything to placate the opposition despite the fact that Levon Ter-Petrosian and his associates have boycotted it right from the beginning. The paper complains that members of the commission were not offended by Ter-Petrosian’s derogatory comments on the parliamentary inquiry.
“Haykakan Zhamanak” defends the decision by Ter-Petrosian’s Armenian National Congress (HAK) to contest some of the ongoing local elections in Armenia won by pro-government candidates. “The main advantage and trump card of the Congress is that there is no alternative to the current authorities other than the popular movement led by Levon Ter-Petrosian,” says the opposition paper. “To tell the truth, this is a much higher status than the one represented by the post of Kentron or Kanaker-Zeytun mayor.”
“168 Zham” reports on what it calls disagreements within the governing Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) over who should become the new leader of its parliament faction. The paper says President Serzh Sarkisian and other top government officials have thwarted efforts by the party’s deputy chairman, Galust Sahakian, to get the post. It says they prefer instead Eduard Sharmazanov, the HHK’s young spokesman.
“Perhaps one needs to make enormous efforts in order not to find nothing new or noteworthy in the president’s 40-minute address [to the National Assembly,” witres “Novoye Vremya.” “However, representatives of the radical opposition, who are concerned with justifying their rallty agenda did find labels justifying that approach.” The Russian-language paper Ter-Petrosian did not a better job of explaining government policies to the people when he was in power.
(Aghasi Yenokian)