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Press Review

“Aravot” comments on President Serzh Sarkisian’s Monday remark that his offers of “dialogue” do not quite apply to opposition leader Levon Ter-Petrosian. The paper believes that it ran counter to the expectations of many Armenians and the international community.

“The view that the main subject of dialogue is the post of president is increasingly gaining weight, making that dialogue impossible,” writes “Hraparak.”

“If Sarkisian wants to have a dialogue with the public, rather than a particular individual, then he must not miss the opportunity to do that with participants of the [opposition] rally slated for August 1,” “Hayk” notes with sarcasm. “The people are ready to stand face to face and listen to Serzh Sarkisian.”

“The main motto of the August 1 rally will be Serzh Sarkisian’s resignation,” opposition leader Levon Zurabian tells “Haykakan Zhamanak.” “If the authorities are not seeking civilized solutions in order to eliminate this deep political crisis, then we must carry out a velvet revolution in the country … We did give Serzh Sarkisian a chance. We were really ready to soften our political struggle if we saw a sincere desire to solve the political crisis on the part of Serzh Sarkisian.” Zurabian reiterates the release of all “political prisoners” is the key opposition demand to the authorities.

“Chorrord Ishkhanutyun” speculates that Sarkisian toughened his stance on the opposition under pressure from his more uncompromising predecessor, Robert Kocharian. Sarkisian, says the paper, made clear that he has no intention to negotiate with Ter-Petrosian and release dozens of opposition members remaining in jail. He also implied that Armenia does not have to fully comply with the June resolution of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly by next January.

“Time is working against Levon [Ter-Petrosian,]” writes “Golos Armenii.” “People see the new authorities’ efforts to overcome corruption and establish law and order. The disgruntled public is gradually getting rid of the syndrome of total hatred and starting to realize that the [Ter-Petrosian-led] HHSh forces are acting under the guise of the ‘popular movement,’ that those forces can offer them nothing but new instability. The authorities, on the other hand, have demonstrated that they can rectify the situation in the country.”

(Hrach Melkumian)