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Press Review

“Hayots Ashkhar” blames leaders of the opposition Aylentrank movement for their clash with police and ensued detention, saying that it was not the first time that they did everything to force police officers to use force against them. “The revolutionary activists did not show us anything new,” writes the pro-government paper. It says their methods of political struggle are strikingly similar to those used by organizers of so-called “color revolutions” in other former Soviet republics.

According to “Azg,” the biggest advantage which Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian and his Republican Party (HHK) have over their consolidating opponents led by former President Levon Ter-Petrosian is “relentless and one-sided use of television.” In these circumstances, editorializes the paper, the Ter-Petrosian camp has no option but to rely on rallies in trying to get their message across. And that gives them an opportunity to “use the brutality of and repressions by security bodies against the authorities and the [presidential] candidate of power.” To that end, concludes “Azg,” Ter-Petrosian and his allies will not shy away from provoking violent incidents.

“168 Zham” says the police behavior during Tuesday’s incident in Yerevan was almost unanimously condemned by the country’s main political parties. “The main theme of discussions in political circles was ‘Who will benefit from this?’” editorializes the paper. “It was not by accident that even pro-government forces described police actions as a stupidity. Interestingly, none of the high-ranking police officials has assumed responsibility for the ‘operation.’ Even during terrorist acts there are those who do that.”

“Aravot” believes that by beating and arresting Aylentrank leaders the police did a huge favor to the Ter-Petrosian camp keen to publicize its Friday rally. “But since we know that law-enforcers could not have taken such a step without a high-level order, it can be said for certain that Robert Kocharian has willy nilly acted as a rally advertiser,” says the paper.

“Hayk” attacks Deputy Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamian for defending the police actions in parliament on Wednesday. The pro-Ter-Petrosian says Abrahamian lied when he said that Aylentrank leader Nikol Pashinian interfered with traffic as he publicized Friday’s rally. “He did issue a threat,” says the paper. “But his appearance and dithering voice suggested that he is terrified. Hovik Abrahamian seems to have understood that not everything in the world is going according to his and Serzh Sarkisian’s plan.”

(Atom Markarian)