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Press Review

According to “Orran,” the Republican, Dashnaktsutyun and Orinats Yerkir parties are only creating a semblance of disagreements. “In reality, [Robert Kocharian’s] ‘Let’s work together’ slogan has worked very well in these elections as well,” the paper says. The Republicans have “taken as much as befits their capacity.” “And it doesn’t matter at all that the Republican Party’s real approval rating is virtually the same as the Dashnaks’. The latter, for their part, must not be unhappy with the gift given to them.” The paper also argues that the proportional representation system is not a panacea against the election to the parliament of “unworthy” individuals. The electoral slates of many parties include individuals who have nothing to do with them.

“A kidnapped parliament,” reads a front-page headline in the Dashnaktsutyun newspaper “Yerkir.” The paper decries “stolen votes” and says the newly elected parliament will have neither the legitimacy nor the expertise to perform its functions. The new parliament, it says, was “largely formed by the illegal theft of free people’s votes.” “And such a parliament will be trying to persuade the taxpayers to fulfill their budgetary obligations, while the same budgetary funds were used for the election campaign of some parties,” complains “Yerkir.”

Political scientist Suren Zolian tells “Hayots Ashkhar” that the significance of “political factors” declined further in the parliamentary elections. The new parliament, he says, will be “even more low-quality than the previous one.” The National Assembly will cease to be a representative body because “it doesn’t represent the will and demands of the society,” according to Zolian. It will be the government’s “appendage,” he says.

“Haykakan Zhamanak” writes that of all the election contenders Dashnaktsutyun feels that it was cheated the most. The paper also cites a senior member of the Republican Party as saying that there will be little room for the Dashnaks in Armenia’s post-election government. All they can aspire to is the posts of deputy parliament speaker or ministers for education or urban developments.

“Haykakan Zhamanak” also reports that many Republicans express unease at the prospect of Orinats Yerkir leader Artur Baghdasarian becoming parliament speaker. “A number of Republicans have already informed Andranik Markarian that they will not vote for Artur Baghdasarian under any circumstances. And many in Orinats Yerkir are concerned that the agreement initiated by Kocharian may not be put into practice,” the paper says.

But as Republican campaign manager Galust Sahakian tells “Iravunk,” his party has not even discussed the possibility of ceding the post of parliament speaker to Orinats Yerkir. Sahakian says the Republicans may well reserve the job for themselves.

(Vache Sarkisian)