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Press Review

“Hayastani Hanrapetutyun” urges Armenian citizens to actively participate in Sunday’s parliamentary elections. “Do not listen to those who say that your vote does not make a difference,” the paper says. “Do not listen to your voice of fatigue and disappointment. Do not listen to the voice of indifference. Your voice…is a great force.”

“Hayots Ashkhar” says the past election campaign was “unprecedented” in terms of the amounts of money spent on it and “cheap populism.” “This strange symbiosis of money and militant populism gave the campaign an air of a political show, rather than a political struggle,” the paper writes. At least, it says, the campaign has exposed the true state of Armenia’s political landscape.

“OK, but who is going to write laws?” continues “Hayots Ashkhar.” The paper wonders how many of the 131 deputies will be to do legislative work and gives the answer: very few.

Choosing the right candidate is “not that difficult,” “Orran” assures readers. “All it takes is to think a little bit and make the right choice,” it says. “After all, the criteria are extremely clear. If someone is happy with the existing situation in the country and his own life, then he gives his vote to a party or parties that control government levers at the moment. Otherwise, the vote is to go to the opposition.” The paper urges voters to “suppress for a while” impressions left by the election campaign and carefully look through the list of candidates.

“Golos Armenii” reminds readers that the people always deserve their governments and parliaments, dismissing talk of electoral fraud. “It is we who falsify [elections], sell our votes, and as a result get what we deserve to have,” the paper claims. It believes that not voting in the elections is tantamount to “abandoning democracy -- the most important human and civil right.”

“Aravot” believes that Sunday’s elections will not be a matter of life or death. “May 25 will be followed by May 26,” it says. “That means promises and revolutionary calls too will be quickly forgotten as if they never existed.” And pretty soon political forces that now sound like bitter enemies will cut power-sharing deals.

(Vache Sarkisian)