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Armenian Soldier Killed In Karabakh

YEREVAN, (AFP) - An Armenian soldier patrolling the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh was killed by Azeri forces, the enclave's defense ministry said Thursday.

"This criminal act was carried out around three hours after a monitoring carried out the same day by an OSCE mission," the ministry said in a statement.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is monitoring the tense situation in the region and has set up a group charged with finding a solution to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed enclave.

The attack on Tuesday was "a gross violation of the ceasefire regime" that has been effect since 1994, the defense ministry said. Azeri forces also attempted to enter the ethnic Armenian enclave on January 8, and one soldier was hurt and another captured in the attack, the ministry said.