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Experts in Additional Unrest Probe Meet, Elect Leader

By Karine Kalantarian
A five-member group of experts commissioned by President Serzh Sarkisian to conduct a fact-finding probe into the post-election violence met for the first time on Tuesday to elect its leader in accordance with the presidential order of October 23.

The group includes two representatives from the governing coalition and the main opposition forces each, as well as a representative of the Human Rights Defender.

At the meeting, the fact-finding group, with a simple majority, elected the Ombudsman’s representative Vahe Stepanian as head of the mission.

The group’s leader is to organize the works of the group as well as sign documents, statements, enquires, invitations and notifications drawn up and sent out by the group. The activities of the group, however, will not be transparent as no information on them is allowed to be reported to the public. The members of the group have taken an oath to keep information on all proceedings secret.

According to the president’s instruction, the activities of the group will not be subject to publication all along and its meetings will be held behind closed doors.

The group is expected to get down to its work on Wednesday.